I’m watching Euro Trash (which admittedly never was the greatest of programs but still) and the dubbing is really unnerving. Now if you though that hearing something serious, say Gerhard Schröder’s speech dubbed by some BBC halfwit was bad, just imagine what the result is with these already dubious interviewees whose funny voices are dubbed into even zanier versions. The laughter is horrible. Nothing is subtitled here, not movies, not news, nothing. Terrible.

I’d already forgotten how much frontal nudity this show has. Oh, now there’s an insert of Eddie ’The Eagle’ Edwards and the guy still remembers the lyrics to his song. I’d hate to discredit my former employers, but when Euro Trash came to Jyväskyä to shoot an insert about Dr Ammondt, Keskisuomalainen gave the story one full page. And the show is on at 1 AM Wednesdays. Oh god, now they’re playing a story about German yodellers who about ’Pussy-Fixiert Fraulein’.

Two things about commercials. First: I bet that the people in I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! (I just love that name and wish they did other products as well, like I Can’t Believe It’s Not Dead Rat) are actually reacting to naked genitalia. Second: The ’Don’t You Love It When Things Just Work?’ Honda commercial is the single best one this millennium.