Spent a whole lotta dough today, once again more than I should’ve. The end result: clothes, books, cds, dvds, cans of soda, and one souvenir. Oh, and a gazillion plastic bags.

We’d visited Cardiff Market once before, but at that time we were so tired that I didn’t pay attention to anything. But oh boy, is there a nice record store or what? I recommend Kelly’s Records to everyone. Not only are the selections good, but the staff are actually helpful. Unbelievable. So I ended up with A Fish Called Wanda and Family Guy, season 2 DVDs for under £20 altogether.

Before that I had already spent a few pounds at MVC, stacking up on cheap collection albums by classic performers (Diana Ross & The Supremes, Shirley Bassey, Al Green, Dusty Springfield). Afterwards we popped into an el cheapo bookstore the name of which escapes me, but it’s by the library. I just couldn’t help myself and had to buy Robert Ross’s Monty Python Encyclopedia and The Onion Ad Nauseam.

Now some people might wonder what the hell I am doing here as an exchange student and just buying stuff. The answer is that all the money you put into pub nights, drinks, and fags, I spend on DVDs, CDs, and books. It’s that simple. On a related note, I checked out whether it would be cheaper to just send all our stuff to Finland by post. No it wouldn’t. Actually it’ll cost exactly the same, whether we mail them or take them with us on the airplane. What a shame.

Highlight of the day: A bird shitted (shat?) on Sonja’s coat. Yesterday’s highlight: An eccentric individual (read: looney) was recording street noises near the bus station. I didn’t stop to ask what he was doing but it sure sounded weird.