I’d like to everyone reading my blog to call in. I’ve been doing this for six months now and would like to know if I’ve managed to lure anyone new. Please use the feedback link to tell me your name, how you got wind of this thing, how often you read it and what you like/dislike. No need to share your email address or anything silly like that in case you’re afraid of spammers which is a perfectly legitimate fear these dark days. Or if you don’t want to share your views with others for whatever reason, please mail me with the same information.

I’d really appreciate this one moment of co-operation cos I really want to make this blog a friendlier place and write about stuff people want to hear. I promise I won’t use the data to blackmail anyone into anything (because, as Bender said in Futurama, I prefer coercion). And yes, this does include both my IRC regulars and so-called real life friends (note that the stress falls on the first two words, not the last one) cos I really really need some gratification now.

Thank you all in advance.