The laptop lasted for about an hour and a half last night, after which there was nothing to do. We post-post-modern people dread nothing like the lack of sensory stimuli, so I just went to bed at midnight.

It’ll be fixed in two hours, they said last night but of course it wasn’t. It wasn’t working this morning at 5AM when Sonja got up to work and it wasn’t working at 7AM when I woke up for some unexplainable reason. So I just took out my frozen pizza from the silent freezer, added some Danish blue cheese which was dying a quiet death in the warm fridge, cooked up the lot and ate it. And went back to bed.

When the alarm rang at 9.30AM, electricity was back but I was too tired to get up, so I missed the only showing of Rabbit Proof Fence. Shame, the movie seemed interesting enough.

Two things happened in the bathroom this morning. I was almost completely undressed when I realized by the way my bowel kept growling that I was going in for the big one. I started to get redressed to go downstairs to fetch some reading, before I realized that it had all the signs of obsessive compulsory paranoid schizoid whatever mental shortcoming. So in the end I didn’t.

Thing number two is that I’m quite sure I saw the letters HAL scribbled somewhere on our shower, and I swear to God that the bastard was trying to kill me. Boiling hot, then ice cold, then hot again, and I hadn’t even looked at the dial. Diabolical.