Case number 1: Ali G as Boris, the Austrian fashion TV reporter asked some fat American male in a ”Pro-America Convention” what the man thinks about freedom. Obviously the obese git was all for it. Then Boris told him that in Austria freedom meant he could walk down the street holding hands with his boyfriend. ”Well,” the hick said, his overweight facial features horribly contorted, ”I’ve got no problem with what you do in the privacy of your own home.” That’s good ole American freedom for you.

Case number 2: From The Guardian Weekend’s Reader’s letters column: To claim that straight culture has absorbed a gay practice and ”grafted it on to heterosexual couplings” is wishful thinking. Never mind the fact whether you disagree with the original claim (men pay more attention to women’s butts) or not, but does he really think there’s some sort of gay illuminati out there trying to bend good, straight people into illicit homosexual acts?