American Society of Magazine Editors palkitsi vuoden parhaat aikakauslehdet. Poimin voittajien listasta pikaisesti muutamia kiinnostavilta näyttäviä juttuja:
- Christopher Hitchensin profiili: He Knew He Was Right – How a former socialist became the Iraq war’s fiercest defender (New Yorker)
- muistokirjoitus: Oriana Fallaci and the Art of the Interview (Vanity Fair)
- elokuvakritiikkiä: Coming to America (The Nation)
- Beslanin koulukaappaus: The School (Esquire)
- Inside Scientology (Rolling Stone)
- Rules of Engagement – On November 19, 2005, in Haditha, during Kilo Company’s third tour of duty in Iraq, a land mine planted by insurgents exploded beneath a Humvee, killing a 20-year-old Marine. What happened next—the slaughter of 24 Iraqi men, women, and children—was not entirely an aberration. These actions were rooted in the very conduct of the war. (Vanity Fair)
- The Other Side of Hate – In 2000, Zimbabwe’s dictator began kicking white farmers off their land. One man decided to stay. (GQ)
- sotilassuvun vesan tarina: In the Sandbox (Paris Review)
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