The founder of Easyjet is going to apply the same method into cinemas. From the Guardian article titled ’There could be a fight’:

Here’s how it will work. The pricing structure will begin at 20p. You will log on to There you will find three options. You can either select the movie that you want to see – and find the dates on which you can see it, and at what price – or you can select the day on which you want to visit the cinema, and find out what you can see on that day, and for what price. Or you can come to the site with a budget of, say, 50p, and find all the shows that you can see for 50p or less. It’s a very seductive method.

Brazen promotion of this one business aside, this looks like a good idea to me. Haji-Ioannou has clearly thought the process out (where to cap prices, how steep the pricing curve should be, what are the biggest liabilities, how to legally force the distributors into co-operating etc) and deserves his shot at fame. I only hope he can get it to work, so we all could enjoy cheaper movies in the future. I’m sure Helsinki could support one of these theaters; after all, there’s already a few art house cinemas there.