
Archive for the ‘linkit’ Category 19.04.2009 – 21.04.2009

  • Ben Yagoda: In Defense of Common English – Such is the dilemma of the linguist, or at least the linguist who has any desire to reach anyone outside their — excuse me, his or her — discipline. A sizable group of people is partial to attending discussions and reading books about language. But what this group wants to hear is antithetical to what scholars of this subject want to say.
  • The Wingnut explains why conservatives fear gay marriage (Salon) – "Ask a Wingnut" is written by a real live conservative and former Bush official who chooses to remain anonymous. Each week "Glenallen Walken" will bridge the cultural divide and answer questions from liberals about why conservatives think and do what they think and do.
  • Google News Timeline – vinkeä vekotin
  • Mike Skinner Twitters His Music Away – Mike Skinner is using his Twitter account to give away music. On April 13th, Skinner wrote: “I am going to tweet 3 new songs this week. I can’t be bothered with all this trying to sell you music. It wastes valuable time.” He kept his word and posted three new songs by The Streets: “I Love My Phone,” “Trust Me,” and “David Hassles,” all of which are still available. Last Thursday, Skinner promised his followers three more tunes this week.
  • Ohjeet ylisuuren Parallels-levyn kutistamiseen, jos Disk Compact ei toimi – testaus kesken, mutta olisi parempi toimia (14 gigaa vs 4,5 gigaa)
  • Peter Singer: To defame religion is a human right – While attempts to stir up hatred against adherents of a religion, or to incite violence against them, may legitimately be suppressed, criticism of religion as such should not be.

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 18.04.2009 – 19.04.2009

  • Time Traveler Essentials -t-paita
  • Parlamentaarikkohuumoria Yhdysvaltain malliin (NY Times) – The barbed-tongued Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, silenced a Republican House colleague who had complained that he did not know what was inside a proposed bill: “This bill is five and a half pages — even the gentleman from Texas could have read it by now.”
  • Shai Agassi haluaa mullistaa sähköautot (NYT Mag) – Agassi’s grand plan is to kick-start the global adoption of electric cars by minimizing one of the biggest frustrations with the technology: the need for slow and frequent recharges. The robot is the key to his solution. Unlike most electric-car technologies, which generally require you to plug your car into a power source and recharge an onboard battery for hours, the Better Place robot is designed to reach under the chassis of an electric car, pluck its battery out and replace it with a new one, much the same way you’d put new batteries in a child’s toy.
  • Roju haastattelee Ville Rantaa sarjakuvamuodossa – aiheina feminiinisyys vs maskuliinisuus, taide vs viihde ja prosessitekeminen
  • Typeface Inspired by Comic Books Has Become a Font of Ill Will – – "If you love it, you don't know much about typography," Mr. Connare says. But, he adds, "if you hate it, you really don't know much about typography, either, and you should get another hobby."

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 16.04.2009 – 17.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 14.04.2009 – 15.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 10.04.2009 – 13.04.2009

  • yhdistää köyhät nuoret naiset ja rikkaat vanhat miehet (NYT Mag) – Seeking Arrangement is a down-and-dirty marketplace where older moneyed men and cute young women engage in brutally frank transactions. They’re not searching for longtime soul mates; they want no-strings-attached “arrangements” that trade in society’s most valued currencies: wealth, youth and beauty. In the cheesy lexicon of the site, they are “sugar daddies” and “sugar babies.”
  • 8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs – via pni
  • Do Parents Matter? (SciAm) – In 1998 Judith Rich Harris, an independent researcher and textbook author, published The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out The Way They Do. The book provocatively argued that parents matter much less, at least when it comes to determining the behavior of their children, than is typically assumed. Instead, Harris argued that a child’s peer group is far more important. The Nurture Assumption has recently been reissued in an expanded and revised form. Mind Matters editor Jonah Lehrer chats with Harris about her critics, the evolution of her ideas and why teachers can be more important than parents.
  • Mitens 1800-luvun merirosmous toimikaan? (NY Times) – The pirates worked for a government. The Barbary rulers commissioned them to rob and pillage and kidnap, and the rulers got a cut. It was all official. And open. It was truly state-sponsored terrorism. And the Western nations’ response was to pay “tribute,” a fancy word for blackmail.
  • Paavo Lipponen: Pääsiäisäksyilyblogi – miten olisi juomapeli, jossa napataan huikka jokaisen kaunan kohdalla? (via Kasa)

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 8.04.2009 – 9.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 7.04.2009 – 8.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 5.04.2009 – 7.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 1.04.2009 – 5.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste. 31.03.2009 – 1.04.2009

Tämä on automaattisesti luotu kooste.