Janne once noted that Spartacus is an excellent movie, all the more so because it features Kirk Douglas clad in leather. By that token I’m sure he’d enjoy Vikings, a fine pseudo-historical adventure romp in which Mr. D dons a fur coat and some nasty looking leather leggings. On a more sordid note, it is quite remarkable that he plays a character with a scarred face and nasty character – quite unusual for a big movie star in his age, or indeed any age.

On the other hand there’s a really alarming scene in Striptease where Demi Moore’s character’s daughter sees her stripping, erm, dancing in the club stark naked. I just hope that the scene was actually put together in the editing room, for no one under 18 should be subjected to Ms Moore’s naked body. Come to think of it, most of the time it would be good to steer clear of her even when she’s dressed.

Three Kings seemed better the other time around, especially now that I knew more about the circumstances in Iraq during the end of the first Gulf War. Now the film seems almost prophetic, but of course it already had the benefit of 20/20 hindsight (it was only made in 1999).