
Nyt saan television päälle yhtä nappia painamalla

Vihdoinkin minulla on makuuhuoneessa nappi, jota painamalla saa television päälle ja pois päältä. Se on vaatinut muutaman kuukauden säätämisen. Kyseessä on nimittäin Aqaran Zigbee-protokollaa käyttävä nappi, joka lähettää langattomasti tiedon siitä, kun nappia painetaan.

Tiedon vastaanottaa toisessa huoneessa oleva Conbee II -tikku. Se on kiinni Raspberry Pi -koneessa, jossa pyörii Home Assistant -ohjelmisto. Kun Home Assistant huomaa nappia painetun, se lähettää langattoman verkon kautta tiedon makuuhuoneessa olevaan Broadlink RM Mini 3 -infrapunalähettimeen, joka blastaa virrat päälle -käskyn telkkaria kohti.

Tämä kaikki toimi ainakin vielä äsken kun testasin.

Tätä ennen telkkariin sai virrat käyttämällä puhelimessa pyörivää Home Assistant -sovellusta. Se toimii toki vieläkin, mutta olin kuullut nimettömiltä tahoilta haaveilua napista, jota painamalla televisio menisi päälle. Totta kai! Hoidetaan, hoidetaan.

Uudessa prosessissa on pari potentiaalista heikkoutta. Conbee II:n ja Home Assistantin yhteispeli vaatii tällä hetkellä sitä, että käyn käsin tappamassa yhden deCONZ-prosessin aina bootin jälkeen. Eli jos katkaisen olkkarista tai Raspberry Pistä virrat, viereisessä huoneessa telkkarin kaukosäädin lakkaa toimimasta. Tai jos wlan-tukiasemat jumittaa, ei olohuoneen Raspberry Pi saa lähetettyä komentoa makuuhuoneen IR-toistimelle.

Mutta! Joka tapauksessa nyt makuuhuoneessa on nappi, jota painamalla telkkariin saa virrat.

Napin etäisyys telkkarin omasta virtapainikkeesta on silmämääräisesti arvioituna 30 cm.

Julistan Pocket-konkurssin

Minulla on tapana jemmata Pocket-sovellukseen satamäärin artikkeleita myöhemmin luettavaksi. Varsin paljon niitä tuleekin luettua, mutta näin vuoden vaihtuessa on hyvä hetki julistaa Pocket-konkurssi ja aloittaa alusta.

Kuvakaappaus hetkeä ennen kuin painoin arkistoi-nappia:

Pitäisi kai tehdä sama myös podcast-sovelluksessa (83 tuntia ei suinkaan sisällä kaikkia ladattuja jaksoja, vain ne jotka olen jo asettanut kuuntelujonoon), mutta en… vain… pysty…

Joulukalenterin 24. luukku

Crossing oneself is ritualistic […] the soccer player then performs on the field as if he and his team alone determined the outcome of the game, which is to say that—in a sense—he performs as if God didn’t exist after all. In “How God Becomes Real,” Luhrmann calls this the art of possessing “flexible ontologies,” because “people may talk as if the gods are straightforwardly real, but they don’t act that way.” A driver who prays that the car will stop without his using the brakes “would seem mad, not devout.” The real world, dependent on the laws of physics, runs easily alongside a highly elaborated and imagined belief-world, which shares several of the properties of fiction-making and fiction-reading. The Vineyard believers, Luhrmann discovered, learn how to “pretend that God is present and to make believe that he is talking back like the very best of buddies.” As with a fictional character, this God is at once absolutely real and not quite real. Luhrmann likens the capacity for imaginative absorption to being “engrossed in good magical fiction of the Harry Potter kind.” One of the spiritual guidebooks she consults suggests that worshippers relate to God not as an “Author,” a view that will make you “go mad or despair,” but as a “character.”

Does Knowing God Just Take Practice?

Joulukalenterin 23. luukku

Within ten minutes of opening his 1977 album Bat Out of Hell, here are the feelings that performer Meat Loaf has already felt to completion:

  • Desire
  • Anguish
  • Desperation
  • Perfect, adolescent faith in the attachments of the flesh
  • Motorcycle—not classically a feeling, no, but what else can be said about the lyric “I’m gonna hit the highway like a battering ram/ on a silver-black phantom bike” except that it encapsulates the feeling of Motorcycle—that is to say, motorcycle-qua-motorcycle, the Springsteenian motorcycle, the emblem of masculine longing to get out?

That’s five feelings, more than I allow myself to feel on a good day, and he cranks them out one after another in the span of a single song! And as if that weren’t a severe enough display of emotional generosity, he’s still got six songs to go! This is the way Meat Loaf drives me to speak: in exclamations, in exhortations, with my hands full of my interlocutor’s shoulders because nothing on the planet is more important or destructive than human sentiment.

It’s Time to Let Meat Loaf Into Your Embarrassing Little Heart

Joulukalenterin 22. luukku

In addition to being scandalous and sexually explicit, these cases demonstrate that medieval people spoke frankly and openly about their sex lives, in a way that we may not have imagined. They show how male family members, housemates, and neighbors not only discussed, viewed, and compared each other’s genitals but even held and stroked them in church court–sanctioned hand jobs.

The Distinguished Medieval Penis Investigators

Joulukalenterin 19. luukku

(One reason road cycling has historically been so much more important in France, Spain and Italy than in the UK is that in those more sparsely populated countries getting a crowd together in one place to watch a match was difficult, whereas during a Grand Tour your sporting heroes could come to you.)

Better on TV

Joulukalenterin 18. luukku

The traditional division of Roman emperors into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ has as much to do with the factional loyalties of our sources as with any actual moral calculus: by any modern reckoning they were all terrible, even if some were better than others at maintaining peace (or order) within the empire’s frontiers and making sure its inhabitants were fed and housed.

Sheets of Fire and Leaping Flames