Eli linkkejä (lehti)juttuihin, joista olen suuresti nauttinut menneen vuoden aikana. Ryhmittelin ne julkaisupaikan mukaan, koska oli tylsää.
New Yorker
- When Barbie Went to War with Bratz – How a legal battle over intellectual property exposed a cultural battle over sex, gender roles, and the workplace.
- The Mind-Expanding Ideas of Andy Clark – The tools we use to help us think—from language to smartphones—may be part of thought itself.
- Looking for Life on a Flat Earth – What a burgeoning movement says about science, solace, and how a theory becomes truth.
- How E-Commerce Is Transforming Rural China – JD.com is expanding its consumer base with drone delivery and local recruits who can exploit villages’ tight-knit social networks to drum up business.
New York Times
- Selling Airborne Opulence to the Upper Upper Upper Class – For a private-jet broker, success is all about knowing who’s who in the world’s 0.0001 percent.
- Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not – bitcoin-juttu tammikuulta
- How Goop’s Haters Made Gwyneth Paltrow’s Company Worth $250 Million – kirjoittaja Taffy Brodesser-Akner
- Worth Their Wait – Simon Reynoldsin muistokirjoitus brittiläiselle musalehdistölle
- How Auto-Tune Revolutionized the Sound of Popular Music – An in-depth history of the most important pop innovation of the last 20 years, from Cher’s “Believe” to Kanye West to Migos
New York Magazine
- The 100 Pages That Shaped Comics – From Superman to Smile, Mickey to Maus: Tracing the evolution of comic books by looking at the pictures, panels, and text that brought them to life.
- How to Be an Artist – kirjoittaja Jerry Saltz
Muut julkaisut
- This Is What Happens When Bitcoin Miners Take Over Your Town – Eastern Washington had cheap power and tons of space. Then the suitcases of cash started arriving.
- Barbearians at the Gate – A journey through a quixotic New Hampshire town teeming with libertarians, fake news, guns, and—possibly—furry invaders.
- In Memoriam: Lil Peep – kirjoittaja John Jeremiah Sullivan
- The Complicated Legacy Of A Panda Who Was Really Good At Sex – harvinaisten eläinten suojeleminen on kinkkinen juttu
- The absurd quest to make the “best” razor – The $3.5 billion shaving industry is secretive and litigious — and disrupting itself silly.
- How Matteo Salvini pulled Italy to the far right
- The New Reading Environment – A reader argues with a stranger about whether they’ve actually read the piece, only to discover that the stranger is the author.
- A Few Words About Fake Breasts – Years ago, whenever the vague meditation of what-would-you-do-if passed through your head en route to never-me, you liked to imagine yourself as a woman who would reject the idea of implants and instead proudly claim, like a warrior princess, some scars and a misshapen torso. Reality bites.
- Mä olen ollut täällä aina – Pääkaupungin kulttuuriväki saapuu kesäisin Mänttään kuvataideviikkojen sekä museoiden avajaisiin ja viettää siellä päivän. Jälkeensä he jättävät tyhjiä pulloja ja kuolevan kaupungin, jonka keskellä Ivana Helsinki juhlii itseään.
- Matters of Tolerance – arvio kirjasta ”The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World”
- Meet the Safecracker of Last Resort – Charlie Santore sees Los Angeles from the inside, by breaking into safes whose owners can no longer unlock them.
Sekä Tavi Gevinsonin pääkirjoitus Rookie-lehden lopettamisesta.
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